- Study of stroke in young Patients – 2011 | Guide: Prof. Asha N Shah, MD
- Role of Fibroscan In NAFLD patients in India – 2014 | Guide: Prof. Prabha D Sawant, MD
- Outcome of patients Hepatitis B patients presenting as Jaundice – 2015 | Guide: Dr Aabha Nagral, MD, DM
- Cultural and management practices of Hepatitis A and E patients – 2015 | Guide: Dr Aabha Nagral, MD, DM
- Thrombolysis in portal vein thrombosis – 2016 | Guide: Dr David Patch, Royal Free Hospital
National And International Presentations
- Case of Coagulopathy and liver disease | ISTH-ILBS 2019, New Delhi
- Generic HCV drugs are as effective as their costlier counterparts. | INASL 2017, New Delhi
- Normal value of liver stiffness as measured by transient elastography. Pooled individual participant data metaanalyses from 26 studies and 14,883 participants | EASL 2017, Amsterdam
- Safety and efficacy of prolonged low-dose thrombolysis for acute non-malignant and non-cirrhotic splanchnic venous thrombosis | Presidential Poster AASLD 2016, Boston
- Comparison of Fibroscan to simple non-invasive markers of fibrosis for predicting fibrosis in high-risk Indian NAFLD patients | APASL 2015, Istanbul
- Role of serum Ferritin in predicting fibrosis in Indian NAFLD patients | APASL 2015, Istanbul
- UDCA is non-inferior to Vitamin E in Indian NAFLD patients | APASL 2015, Istanbul
- Ferritin can be utilised for predicting fibrosis in NAFLD patients | EASL monothematic conference 2015, Innsbruck
- UDCA is equivalent to Vitamin E in treatment of NAFLD | EASL monothematic conference 2015, Innsbruck
- Role of Fibroscan in Extrahepatic vein obstruction | APASL 2014, Brisbane
- Role of Fibroscan in Non-Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension | APASL 2014, Brisbane
- Efficacy of Fibroscan in predicting Fibrosis is NAFLD of western India | Hepatology Live 2013, Athens, Greece
- Is Fibroscan effective for predicting fibrosis in NAFLD | IDD Forum 2013, Hong Kong, China
- Efficacy of Fibroscan in predicting severity of chronic liver disease | World Congress of Gastroenterology 2013, Shanghai China
- Role of alkaline phosphatase in screening for HCC in decompensated cirrhotics | INASL 2015, Delhi
- Comparison of MELD, MESO, iMELD and MELD-Na in prognostification of outcome of decompensated cirrhosis | ISGcon 2014, Mumbai
- Prevalence of hypothyroidism in NAFLD | ISGcon 2013, Ahmedabad
- Role of Duodenal biopsy in chronic diarrhoea | ISGcon 2013 , Ahmedabad
- The role of Fibroscan in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Can it avoid biopsy? | ISGcon 2012, Jaipur
- The role of Fibroscan in Chronic Liver disease. Is it helpful? | ISGcon 2012, Jaipur
- A Benmassaoud, Parikh P, et al. A stepwise thrombolysis regimen in the management of acute portal vein thrombosis in patients with evidence of intestinal ischaemia.Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 2019
- Kolhe KM, Parikh P, et al. Aspartate transaminase to platelet ratio index (APRI) but not FIB-5 or FIB-4 is accurate in ruling out significant fibrosis in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. BMJ Open Gastroenterology 2019
- Bazerbachi F, Parikh P. Range of normal liver stiffness and factors associated with increased stiffness measurements in apparently healthy individuals. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2019
- Benmassaoud A, Parikh P. Efficacy and Safety of a Thrombolysis Protocol for the Treatment of Acute Portomesenteric Venous Thrombosis. In HEPATOLOGY Oct 2018
- Parikh P. Prevalencia de la hepatitis no A/E en Mumbai, India. Rev. gastroenterol. Perú Mar. 2018.
- Parikh P. Midodrine for diuretic intractable ascites with hyponatremia. JCEH 2018
- Nagral A, Parikh P, et al. Generic direct acting antivirals in treatment of chronic hepatitis C infection in patients of Thalassemia major. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology Sep 2017
- Parikh P et al. A Prospective Study to Evaluate the Outcome of Hepatitis B Patients Presenting With Jaundice. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology July 2017
- Gevariya R, Parikh P. Management Issues of Budd Chiari Syndrome and Portal Hypertension in Pregnancy. Journal of Gynaecology and women’s Health May 2017
- Nagral A, Parikh P, et al. Experience With Direct Acting Antivirals (DAA) Agents in Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection in Patients of Thalassemia Major. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology July 2017
- Bazerbachi F, Parikh P, et al. Normal Values of Liver Stiffness as Measured by Transient Elastography: Pooled Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis from 26 Studies and 14,883 Participants Gastroenterology April 2017
- Buzzetti E, Parikh P, et al. Gender differences in liver disease and the drug-dose gender gap. Pharmacological Research March 2017
- Parikh P, et al. Fibrosis assessment in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Ann Transl Med. 2017
- Pipaiya N, Parikh P, et al. Tu1720 Comparison of FibroScan With MRI R2* of Liver and Serum Ferritin in Predicting Iron Overload in Patients With Thalassemia Major. Gastroenterology January 2017
- Patel R, Parikh P, et al. Is Testing for Rapid Virological Response (RVR) Necessary in the Present Era of Treatment of Hepatitis C? : An Analysis from South Asia. Journal of Gastroenterology, Pancreatology & Liver Disorders 2016 Sep
- Parikh P et al. Safety and efficacy of prolonged low dose thrombolysis for acute non-malignant and non-cirrhotic splanchnic venous thrombosis. AASLD LiverLearning. Nov 2016
- Parikh P et al. A open labelled trial comparing Vitamin E and Ursodeoxycholic acid in treatment of non diabetic non
cirrhotic Indian NAFLD patients. Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology 2016 May - Pandey V, Parikh P, et al. The role of capsule endoscopy in etiological diagnosis and management of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. Intestinal Research 2016 Jan
- Pandey V, Parikh P, et al. Handgrip dynamometer: A useful tool for nutritional assessment of alcoholic liver disease. Edorium J Gastroenterol 2015 December
- Surude R, Parikh P et al. A Randomized comparative study of efficacy of Lamivudine and Adefovir Combination versus Tenofovir versus Entecavir in Decompensated Cirrhotic Patients oh Hepatitis B. Advanced Research in Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2015 September.
- Sawant P, Parikh P, et al. Thrombophilia profile in Splanchnic and hepatic vein thrombosis Journal of Association of Physicians of India 2015 September
- Bhate P, Parikh P, et al. Cross-sectional study of prevalence and risk factors of hepatitis band hepatitis C infection in a rural village in India. Arquivos de Gastroenterologica 2015 September
- Patel J, Parikh P et al. Uncommon presentation of Strongyloidiasis: chronic malabsorption, multiple small bowel strictures and appendicitis in the immunocompetent male. Tropical Gastroenterology 2015 September
- Gevariya R, Parikh P, et al. Epidemiology, Risk Factors and Outcome of complications in Obstetric and Gynecological surgeries – A tertiary centre experience from western India. Journal of US-China Medical Sciences 2015 September
- Parikh P, et al. Raised Alkaline phosphatase levels can predict hepatocellular carcinoma in decompensated cirrhotic patients. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology 2015 July
- Parikh P et al. Serum Ferritin levels even in normal range predicts histological severity in Indian NAFLD patients. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2015 July
- Parikh P et al. An open-label randomised control study to compare the efficacy of vitamin E versus Ursodeoxycholic acid in non-diabetic Indian NAFLD patients. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2015 July
- Parikh P et al. Comparision of Fibroscan versus simple non-invasive screening tools in predicting fibrosis in NAFLD patients of western India with high risk for fibrosis. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2015 July
- Rathi C, Parikh P et al. Autoimmune hepatitis triggered by treatment with pegylated interferon alpha 2a and ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C. ACG case reports 2015 July
- Gevariya R, Parikh P, et al. Swine flu in reproductive age group females. Risk Factors for high Mortality. Italian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2015 June
- Parikh P et al. Hypothyroidism in Indian NAFLD patients. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2015 April
- Pipaliya N, Parikh P et al. A rare case of Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm of pancreas fistulizing into the duodenum with adult polycystic kidney disease. Gastroenterology Research 2015 April
- Bhate P, Parikh P et al. Total and Segmental Colon Transit Time Study in Functional Constipation: Comparison With Healthy Subjects. Gastroenterology Research 2015 February
- Parikh P et al. Primary Pancreatic lymphoma in an HIV-positive patient. Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal 2015 February
- Parikh P et al. Fibroscan versus simple noninvasive screening tools in predicting fibrosis in high-risk non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients from Western India. Annals of Gastroenterology 2015 January
- Patel J, Parikh P, et al. Comparision of four models of end-stage liver disease based prognostic scoring system for cirrhosis. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2015 January
- Parikh P et al. A Rare Cause Of Dysphagia- Kommerell’s diverticulum. Journal of Association of Physicians of India 2015 January
- Patel J, Parikh P et al. Correlation of liver stiffness measurement by Fibroscan in Alcoholic liver disease and Hepatitis Brelated chronic liver disease. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology 2014 March
- Bhate P, Parikh P et al. Prospective study of clinical profile and mortality of alcohol and hepatitis B-related chronic liver disease. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology 2014 March
- Rana H, Parikh P, et al. Epidemiology and Clinical Outcome of H1N1 in Gujarat from July 2009 to March 2010. Journal of Association of Physicians of India 2012 February
- Virpariya K, Parikh P et al. Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome. Indian Medical Gazette 2011 Nov
- Parikh P et al. Study of Outcome of Novel H1N1 Positive Young (15-40 yr) Women Admitted in a Tertiary Care Centre. Indian Medical Gazette 2010 December.
- Dhaval D, Parikh P et al. Study of referred patients of Acute viral hepatitis B epidemic of Sabarkantha district of Gujarat. Indian Medical Gazette 2010 March.