The year 2019 has seen one of the major changes in the transplantation scenario in Gujarat. There was the establishment of SOTTO in January this year. After the enforcement of SOTTO guidelines, the Liver transplant program is likely to get much more streamlined. The organ distribution process is going to be much more transparent and predictable.
Liver Transplant is now an established mode of treatment for end stage liver disease with success rate around 90% in most of the centers. Patients from Gujarat are traveling outside the state to get their liver transplant done. During that time, they not only end up paying a high cost for the transplant but to stay there for two to three months is a burden mentally, emotionally and financially. Liver Transplant services are already established and fully functional in Ahmedabad. There is number of transplant centers providing liver transplant services by one of the most eminent liver specialists in the country. There are few centers where there is in house transplant team and the doctors are accessible every day of the month. You can not only get cadaver based transplant at all of these centers but also living related liver transplants can be carried out. Patients are likely to get benefit out of these and they would not have to travel out to other states in the country. The cost of the transplant for the family would then be nearly halved considering cost of staying and transplant.
Patients who are suffering from end stage liver disease, cirrhosis with repeated complications like recurrent ascites, persistent swelling of their feet, development of recurrent bleeding or encephalopathy or requiring multiple admissions should consult one of the transplant centers at the earliest. Unlike kidney failure, where one can survive with dialysis for years, for liver disease one has a small window to get transplanted. It is advisable that such patients should contact their liver specialist at the earliest and get worked up for liver transplant.